by John | Oct 6, 2019 | Beginners, 10 Minute, Increase Focus, Reduce Anxiety, Enhance Mood, Letting Go, Guided Meditations, All Meditations
Rhythmic Breathing Meditation – 10 Minutes The following is a Meditation that teaches you how to control your breathing and keep the breath rhythm steady and consistent. Dr. Alan Watkins is a breathing expert. He studies the breath and the various types of...
by John | Aug 31, 2018 | 15 Minute, Build Trust, Reduce Anxiety, Enhance Mood, Letting Go, Guided Meditations, All Meditations
Resilience Meditation – 15 Minutes This is a meditation that teaches us present moment focus and the skills needed to re-frame our stories to allow us to bounce back from change or challenge. Trust and acceptance are the key skills we are learning here. When...
by John | Jul 14, 2018 | 15 Minute, Build Trust, Reduce Anxiety, Enhance Mood, Build Compassion, Letting Go, Guided Meditations, All Meditations
Compassion Breathing Meditation – 15 Minutes The following is a Meditation that teaches us self compassion. The science is very clear that when we are more compassionate to ourselves we enter a growth mindset. We believe that change is possible and we take...
by John | Feb 1, 2018 | 15 Minute, Increase Focus, Increase Awareness, Reduce Anxiety, Letting Go, Guided Meditations, All Meditations
Muscle Tension Relaxation Meditation – 15 Minutes Many times we go around our day with stress and this plays out in our bodies. We hold this stress in our muscles and they tense up. Scanning our body for tension and then consciously releasing this tension...
by John | Feb 1, 2018 | 15 Minute, Reduce Anxiety, Enhance Mood, Build Compassion, Letting Go, Guided Meditations, All Meditations
Releasing Perfectionism – 15 Minutes This mantra meditation is designed to help us release the negative judgments we have about ourselves. Many times we see ourselves as not good enough because we have an extremely high standard we think we must live up to. ...
by John | Feb 1, 2018 | 15 Minute, Build Trust, Reduce Anxiety, Enhance Mood, Build Compassion, Letting Go, Guided Meditations, All Meditations
Loving Kindness #2 Meditation – 15 Minutes This is a meditation based on the traditional loving kindness meditation which allows us to open ourselves up and send good wishes to not only ourselves but others. In this version we practice sending TRUST,...
by John | Feb 1, 2018 | 15 Minute, Build Trust, Reduce Anxiety, Enhance Mood, Build Compassion, Letting Go, Guided Meditations, All Meditations
Loving Kindness Meditation – 15 Minutes This is a traditional meditation allows us to open ourselves up and send good wishes to ourselves first and then to others. We practice this meditation because many times we may not treat ourselves as wholesomely as we...
by John | Feb 1, 2018 | 15 Minute, Build Trust, Build Compassion, Letting Go, Guided Meditations, All Meditations
Just Like Me Meditation – 15 Minutes Many times we see others as different than ourselves. We see differences instead of similarities. This causes us to feel less empathetic towards them and we become dismissive and disinterested in helping out when needed....
by John | Feb 1, 2018 | 15 Minute, Increase Focus, Increase Awareness, Reduce Anxiety, Letting Go, Guided Meditations, All Meditations
Noting Meditation – 15 Minutes Noting is an exercise where by we observe what is happening in the present moment and “note” or label what we are noticing. This is very useful because many times we get caught up in our body or emotions or thinking and we...
by John | Feb 1, 2018 | 15 Minute, Increase Awareness, Build Trust, Reduce Anxiety, Enhance Mood, Letting Go, Guided Meditations, All Meditations
Open And Allowing Meditation – 15 Minutes Open and allowing is a stance that we practice in a meditation exercise that teaches us to accept what is happening and letting it be. Many times we fear what is happening around us and within us. This fear can be...
by John | Feb 1, 2018 | 15 Minute, Reduce Anxiety, Enhance Mood, Letting Go, Guided Meditations, All Meditations
Releasing Negative Beliefs Meditation – 15 Minutes Negative stories up show up often. Being aware of them as they come up allows us to observe them and release them. This meditation helps practice this skill. This meditation is a visualization meditation that...
by John | Feb 1, 2018 | 15 Minute, Increase Awareness, Reduce Anxiety, Enhance Mood, Letting Go, Guided Meditations, All Meditations
Thoughts/Images Meditation – 15 Minutes Thoughts, images and inner dialogue constantly occur in our minds. We cannot prevent them from popping up but we can practice viewing them just as they are. When we see our mind’s activity as passing we are better...
by John | Jan 31, 2018 | 15 Minute, Increase Focus, Increase Awareness, Build Trust, Reduce Anxiety, Enhance Mood, Build Compassion, Letting Go, Guided Meditations, All Meditations
Emotions Meditation – 15 Minutes This emotions meditation teaches us present moment focus and awareness of our emotions. Emotions are complex. Many times we are not experiencing just one emotion. We are usually experiencing a number of emotions at any given...