When you come up with new Optimistic Outlooks (Affirmations, Counter Points or Gratitude Statements), the key is to create balanced and realistic statements. If you try to reach too far up the Optimistic ladder then you may trigger a “dismissal” response. This is where right after you say an Affirmation like “I am a wonderful person…” you instantly say to yourself “Ya right, that’s not true – I am not a good person….I really am a bad person. This process is full of crap. It does not work anyway. Why am I doing this?”etc….

If you find yourself doing this then dial back the level of Optimism. For example say things like “I have some good qualities, they are…or I do nice things for people from time to time… or can see the good in some people and I can try to look for the good in more… or I am getting more comfortable with who I am… or Everyone is different and I have some unique qualities…”etc…